Michele/Desmond's Story
Please join me in the fundraising effort for this organization.
Growing up I heard stories of my Aunt Dorbi rescuing animals around the Washington D.C. area. One story really stood out to me. She was driving along a high way and she saw this stray dog, she pulled over and picked it up. She didn't want it being hit on the highway. I thought that was so heroic of my aunt, not knowing anything of this dog, but wanted to help out.
Well last fall I found this tiny dog wandering around Hostmark Street in Poulsbo and I thought I can help too. It was weaving back and forth in the road. I knew it would get hit by a car if I didn't do something to help it; as I almost hit it. I parked my car and went looking for it, this little dog was on a mission and that was to find his home. This happend on a Friday night. I took this cold scared dog home with me, let it sleep with me, then to find out in the middle of the night that it has flea's.
Saturday morning I took this little guy to a local vet hospital to see if he was microchipped. No. And not neutered. Was told that The Humane Society was suppose to open at 11am, so drove there. Waited outside for 45 minutes for them to open up. They took down my information on where I found him and said that they have no room there for him. Could I please take him home and come back tomorrow (Sunday) to see if any of the dogs were adopted that day and hopefully a spot will be open for him.
Luckily the owner called the Humane Society on Saturday and I was able to reunite them. So happy he got returned, as was he.
I thought it was so sad to hear that they had no room there; that there are that many stray dog/ cats out there. I would like to change that.